For ages 7-18
Every Wednesday at 6pm

Worship. Food. Fellowship. Fun.
5pm every Sunday at the church. ​

Ladies' Wildwood Walks
Mondays @ 10am : Meet at Wildwood Coffee Co. in downtown Indian River for coffee and a walk (if the weather is bad, we still meet for coffee)

Exercise. Prayer. Coffee.
Every Wednesday from 9-10am
3228 Gatewood Ave, Indian River, MI

Here at City on a Hill, we believe that small groups are essential to the individual and collective growth of the believers. A couple hours on Sunday is not enough to elicit spiritual growth. That's where small groups are key. We offer several different small groups for the Church to be a part of; meeting at the houses of some of our members. This allows us to go deeper in our studies together, pray and encourage one another, and share a meal as we fellowship along side one another.